Downloads for ThinForms Chrome Extension + Java Host

For Windows

Operating SystemFileDownload Link
Windows (64 bit, Option 1)ThinForms JavaHost Installer WITH Java 8u202 included - ZIP file[Download ZIP]
Windows (64 bit, Option 2)ThinForms JavaHost Installer (exe), Note: Requires Java 8u202 to be installed [Download Installer EXE]
Java Runtime for WindowsOracle Java 8u202 Runtime Installer (for Windows Option 2) [Java Runtime 8u202 Windows Installer (Oracle)]
Windows (32 Bit, x86) ThinForms JavaHost Installer for 32 bit Windows (e.g. Windows 7 32bit)[Download ZIP]

For OSX (Mac)

Operating SystemFileDownload Link
macOS (Option 1)ThinForms JavaHost Installer (DMG installer, incl Java)[Download DMG]